
For those of you wondering what this page is, it is just a bit of code to track google stats. Or is it??

5 Responses

  1. Hi Nicholas. Great blog, good read. I’m curious about this google link — where does it go?

  2. i would recommend you add this Google code in your meta tag, not as a page. after all this is the code used to track your site through webmaster tools. kinda an eye sore. 🙂

  3. thanks for sharing us a big site ! you are very talented… l wish to be here in a member!

  4. Hey, I think that code is for verifying Google Webmaster Tools. I’m not sure if you know but you only need to upload the code once to your server, then once you verify the code, you can remove it… meaning you can remove this page.

  5. Yes this is a bit of an eyesore on what is otherwise a good site. The code is meant to be added to your tag and not on a separate page.

    But otherwise, I really enjoy reading your stuff!

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